Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our Sarah sure has them still scared...

Members of Congress Receiving Death Threats, Congresswoman Blames Sarah Palin's 'Rhetoric'
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Wednesday that at least 10 members of Congress have received threats since the health care reform bill passed Sunday night and that the FBI is investigating. "We've had very serious incidents that have occurred in the last 48 or 72 hours," Hoyer said. "The incidents of threats, whether in person or through telephones or through other communication devices, have given great concern to members for the safety of themselves and their families.
Sarah has nothing to do with it they did it to themselves.
Typical Liberal BS... Blame the victims for the actions of the criminals.

I'm not an advocate of violence, but the Dem's shouldn't act surprised when it happens. I fear that this is going to escalate and get very ugly long before November rolls around. Once people believe that the government is non-responsive and that nothing they say and nobody they elect will change that, they will see few options.


Miss T.C. Shore said...

Exactly! Take away my freedoms. Yank the constitution out from under us. Turn us into a Soviet State. And then ask why people might be angry???? Sheesh! As far as I'm concerned, it's time for the revolution to begin.

Tapline said...

Major, There are more than one type revelution. the type by force and the other like the progressives have been doing and allowing over the last few decaded. I have spoken about the changes I have witnessed throughout the years..I am 75 years young and have seen the fruits of their labors.....Small minute things to begin with threats agains the government with not response by them...Laws passsed for the good of the masses. We will take care of you from cradle to the grave. It is now upon you and unless the mass majority of people,be they democrat or republican or independent, the party doesn't matter it affects all of us...The individual is a word of the past. Your health record as of the passage of that monstrosity will now be i massive computers available for the whole world to see. So much for confidentiality.....Don't say certain words or you will be prosecuted...Given me a Break.......Freedom is slipping through your fingers....everybody's not just a few.....Retirees are you losing your prescription coverage? Is your retirement policy meeting the federal requirements or will you be required to pick up more and pay more ...and the beat goes on....sorry for the ramble...stay well...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by, I am following you now.
I agree, when something does happen,the Dems are to blame.They have hurled insults,mocked,threatened,belitted us far too long. It has been time to get in their faces.