Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
What has Obama got to hide?
Something tells me that strange things are happening here. I think that there is much more here then what meets the eye.
Monday, July 19, 2010
My Message To The Obama’s And Other Liberal Socialist’s
That being said, let me say this. Conservatives are called many names by the left and the uninformed. The favorites are "Nazi," "fascist," "racist," "bigot," "alarmist," "neo-con," "war mongers," “Tea-baggers,” "homophobe": you name it, we've been called it. I take those names in stride knowing full well that the historical knowledge necessary to use big words like "Nazi" and "fascist" are beyond the mental capabilities of 97.4% of libs. When they put down their coloring books and crayons, and turn off Air America or The Teletubbies, they tend to whine and whine and whine, get in touch with their feelings, eat tofu, and yell "it's not fair!" for hours on end. After all that hard work, they don't have a lot of time left to read and think and analyze -- not that they'd have the inclination to that in the first place, of course.
Real conservatives, conservatives who believe in the libertarian tenets of the Founding Fathers, believe that we the people must be protected from government. Hence, our Constitution has ten enumerated amendments that do just that: put limits on what the government cannot do to it's citizens. The Bill of Rights*, therefore, should prevent the goverment from interfering in my life, as long as I am law-abiding and I do not interfere with someone else's rights. Those same rights should be granted to businesses, as well.
A couple of days ago, a news story appeared that explained that the city of New York was banning trans-fats in the cooked food prepared in the 25,000+ eating establishments in the city. For those of you who do not know, trans-fats are the substances in fried foods that make you fat, cause high cholesterol, exacerbate global warming and promote Islamic terrorism. I read the story with interest because of something that I warned people about many years ago.
First, I couldn't care less what Michelle Obama thinks.
Second, NO government should have the right to tell us what we can or can't eat, including our children!
LONG ago, we were given something called PARENTS...who are to act as 'government' to THEIR children.
Michelle should concentrate on her own kids and leave ours alone. We parents know our kids best.
While Michelle is at it, she ought to practice what she preaches, because if she looks in a mirror she'll find she could stand to shed a few pounds herself! The best she can do is be an example in her own looks and eating habits!
I am a smoker. I smoke cigarettes and cigars. Yes, yes, I know. They are bad for me. They cause cancer, heart disease, and storms on Jupiter. Thanks for your concern, now mind your own business. It is my choice to do this, regardless of whether it is stupid or not. That, in essence, is the heart of what America is should be. I choose to smoke. In 1998, when the former Administration (in a move that would make Tony Soprano proud) began extorting money from the tobacco companies -- legal, highly regulated, tax-paying businesses -- I told anyone who would listen that if this blackmail was allowed to happen, anything the liberals wanted to regulate was fair game: fatty burgers, french fries, coffee, donuts. Because, of course, as we are all well aware, liberals know better than we do about what's good for us. "Choice" is something liberals will give you only if it's their choice. It's OK to give the "choice" to kill unborn babies, but don't you fucking dare light that cigarette! Predictably, I was called an "alarmist," among other things, and I was told that it was us, the eeeeeevvvvil right-wingers, who wanted to control the lives of Americans. As I've written before, liberals may have the monopoly on stupidity, but they don't have a grasp on irony.
Next it will be a $500 fine for anyone caught eating more than three meals a day.
So now, New York City is attacking french fries, donuts, burgers, anything containing trans-fats. Why? Well they say it's for health reasons, because "they care," but I know better. Just as in the cigarette case, it's nothing but but a cheap money-grab. Filthy greed. You know, what we conservatives are constantly accused of being. Today it's fines leveled against restaurants, tomorrow they'll tax the fatty foods. The food products will be heavily regulated, the flavor excised, and they'll be heavily taxed to boot. A few things before I write, just so that I don’t get ridiculed for being a crazy liberal: I’m not, by any means, a liberal, and I agree that the trans-fat thing is ridiculous and that it’s not going to do anything to curb obesity anyway. My father holds stock in Philip Morris, and yes, that class-action lawsuit against tobacco companies was also pretty ridiculous. The fact that these people got away with blaming some companies for their decisions is crazy.
That said, I really, really love smoking bans. I’m a nonsmoker who’s prone to colds/subsequent sinus infections, and I absolutely hated coming home from a bar in college (in Chicago pre-smoking ban) and reeking of cigarette smoke and sniffling and sneezing. I moved to northern New Jersey after college and it was SO nice to go out in NYC and not come home smelling like cigarettes. Seriously, that stuff just stuck to every piece of clothing. My hair too. It was awful. And I hated it because I was suffering the consequences of other people’s choices to smoke. My choices were: a) stay home and have no social life or b) go out with friends and get sick.
The President's Missus needs to keep her nose outta the People's business.... Plain and Simple...
Here's my message to all of you liberal lifestyle fascists: If it's really bad, then stop being hypocrites and ban them. I know that'll put a stop to the billions that enter your coffers for more mind-control of the masses with socialism and political correctness, but you'll be doing what you know deep-down is the right thing. Let ME make decisions about MYSELF as long as I'm not hurting anyone. Let me drink, let me smoke, let me gamble, et cetera. So in ending, I wish that some one would tell Michelle Obama to stop telling me what to eat and what to drink. Big Brother thinks we are too stupid to think for ourselves. t is NOT the government's job to be doing ANY of this . We have moved a million miles away from the intent of why this country was founded. Obama is a Marxist , it is so clear now. Government runs every aspect of your life. Wake up liberals ,And stop restricting my FREEDOMS... You can't force me to by health care and you can't tell me what I can eat or smoke or drink either. F all of you phony liberals because you are supporting a fascist government that want control..Control of banks , care companies, health care , food , the internet and radio..But you don't see it do you , you fools. See Greece ? we will be there in 2 years. Maybe she thinks we forget her statement that when her hubby was elected was the first time she was proud to be an American. She deserves no place in our children’s lives or the White House.
It is NOT the government's job to be doing ANY of this. Stop telling us what to do and start cutting your spending.
You have no right to tell anyone what to market when you can not even control spending.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Tea Party Movement.
I am proud to say that my opinion of Present Obama remains unchanged, rock solid, unwavering bad.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The direction Obama is taking us.
Whether Obama is just inept or there is a plan being unfolded to fit his socialist agenda, we can see the direction we are taking. Next year, the Bush tax cuts expire and there will be a massive tax increase on the middle class as a result. It will not improve the treasury balance sheet, but it will further strangle the economy. People will have fewer free market choices for their dollars when more of them are funneled to the government. Jobs will be lost and sales will decline and all the unemployment comp entitlements will eat up the “increased” revenue.
Now we are looking at the Obama administration causing energy prices to rise. A recent report from Harvard sees $7.00 a gallon gasoline. The actual dollar amount is not the point. Energy costs affect every aspect of the economy and they are all passed on to the consumer. So, if your wallet is tight now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Has anyone seen any talk of investigating the oil companies recently? Do they only make “obscene” profits when the Republicans are in charge? If a company has an income of $200B it ought to be making $20B in profit or it ought to reorganize.
And, as the oh-so-socialist Brits are learning, BP supports a lot of pensioners who are shareholders in their profits.
Liberals are not just liars, they are corruptocrats who sit like vultures waiting to tear their dying victims apart. When was the last time you heard of vulture opening a food pantry for the people in the hood?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Bill Clinton Lied? I Can't Believe It!
The unfortunate thing in this entire issue is that Sestak might have made a good representative for his constituents in Pennsylvania. Sadly, in agreeing to play along with this Obama/Clinton/Emanuel parade of lies and deception. If he had just come out with the TRUTH like a honorable man of the people, he would have come out smelling like a rose in the eyes of the electorate! Sadly, now he has really lost all credibility because he decided to play dirty Chicago style politics at the behest of Obamanation. No doubt Obama also made a backroom deal with Hillary, when they were competing with each other for the Democrat nomination, Hillary agreeing to not pursue the federal lawsuit her people instituted questioning Obama's true citizenship, in return for giving her the Secretary of State post.
I'm sure it would make us sick to know all the shady deals Obama has made to get where he is today, including those shady real estate deals in Chicago through his gangster buddies.
Bill Clinton Lied? I Can't Believe It!
I'd really like to know for what price he sold his soul to Obamanation? But them again Bunba will sell his soul very cheaply.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Once again Obama proves that he is a joke, a very sad joke at that
This is baloney. Build the fence. This loser thinks he is still working in one of his ghetto community's where all you have to do is fire off some tear gas and promise them more government perks and they go back to their slums.
THIS IS DIFFERENT...Heard the Sheriff of Penal County say that 6 thousand would have barely been enough and this fool thinks that 1200 will do the job.
I am incensed and am more convinced NOW THAN EVER BEFORE that we need to impeach this jackass sooner rather than later.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New York Car Bomber is talking.
Suspect in NY car bomb attack Caught and in custody
Not a tea party guy? Awww poor liberals, ill bet they are heartbroken it wasn't a tea party member. Console your local liberal and tell him its ok, his dream might come true one day. After all the world is full of crazies.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
President Obama's Un-Funny Joke.
President Bush's humor was never mean spirited and was usually self-deprecating. Obama's ''humor'' is always mean spirited and always against conservatives and never against his fawning, mewling sycophants. Big Difference! Maybe David Letterman could give him better material!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The Recession Is Over? Ask The UnEmployed!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Our Sarah sure has them still scared...
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Wednesday that at least 10 members of Congress have received threats since the health care reform bill passed Sunday night and that the FBI is investigating. "We've had very serious incidents that have occurred in the last 48 or 72 hours," Hoyer said. "The incidents of threats, whether in person or through telephones or through other communication devices, have given great concern to members for the safety of themselves and their families.
Sarah has nothing to do with it they did it to themselves.
Typical Liberal BS... Blame the victims for the actions of the criminals.
I'm not an advocate of violence, but the Dem's shouldn't act surprised when it happens. I fear that this is going to escalate and get very ugly long before November rolls around. Once people believe that the government is non-responsive and that nothing they say and nobody they elect will change that, they will see few options.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The health care vote.
Although both groups may be watching the polls on Pelosi's chances of getting re-elected.
Let`s hope there are some republicans trying to sway the undecided dems to swing a NO vote. How anyone can be `undecided` after a year of haggling this garbage to death is beyond me. I guess undecided is a dem way of saying, `Go ahead, bribe me and make it good`.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Denial Is Not a River in Egypt
Obama thinks the voters are only upset with him because of the economy? the guy is in denial! its the whole progressive radical agenda. Cap and tax, health care, radical Marxist czars. Transparency, C-Span, bankrupting our country to redistribute wealth. not listening to the people. The list could go on and on of the lies he continues to tell every time he speaks.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
And now a new notch on his belt of Hope & Change:
Early in Obamas tenure there were 400,000 Americans who were discouraged and quit looking for work and had run out of unemployment benefits. Now 15 months after his election there are one million 300,000 souls who are wandering the country stunned by the Obama depression. Hope n change, this inept administration touts “improvements in an unemployment rate when the bleeding hasn’t stopped. These liberals are heartless and uncaring. Everything is sunshine and lite? Unemployment was revised from 7 million to 8 million. Stunning. Have another party Mr President.