Now at first glance, that might seem to be a thoughtful answer. However, when you delve down into it, what you find is that is like many of Barack Obama’s comments, it’s utterly divorced from what he intends to do, while giving people on both sides of the case the impression that he agrees with them.
What in the world is wrong with this guy?
This is why experience matters, particularly executive experience, and it’s a big part of the reason why Barack Obama has done such a piss-poor job so far. An experienced socialist would only appear to be less obviously destroying the American economy with his clueless run away deficit spending.George Bush wasn’t the great president by any means but at least he scared the hell out of our enemies and kept us safe.
Hi, MyFiles! Thanks for coming by my's nice to meet you!
That quote by obama is're right; he's doing everything he says he's not doing. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even KNOW what he's doing; he's on TV, dissing world leaders, dissing Gridiron dinners, traveling constantly or giving press conferences (there's ANOTHER TONIGHT! HELP!)
I think HE must be the press secretary!
Or thinks he is...smiles, waves, giggling (enough to I understand Steve Croft called him PUNCH DRUNK!) and no substance.
by the way, I read your profile...thanks for your service and good on you for liking mystery novels! Have you read any Martha Grimes?
Well of course I agree with you and Z or we wouldn't all be following each other around the net lol. But I also believe Obama is a puppet, someone else is pulling his strings. Which is why so much of the time he appears to be a liar or an incompetent fool. Ok, all of the time. I have a great lesson on economics 101 and how Obama got elected, but I couldn't find a "contact me" option here. Let me know if you'd like me to send it to you.
First,thanks for visiting my blog and your service Master Sargent. Hooowaa!!!
Yes,experience does matter,and Obama has zero. He is scaring the markets,he is scaring the military,he is scaring the everyday citizens.
The only ones he's not scaring are the terrorists.
"Why is this moron injecting himself into EVERYTHING?"
Because he is the messiah, God's gift to us. He and he alone will fix everything that is wrong with America and the whole world. Just watch and see.
Any one who believes that crap, I have some beautiful oceanfront property for sale in Utah and a real nice bridge to jump off when he succeeds in throwing us into a depression with his economic plan.
Punch drunk is right!!!what a freak show this man is!..he takes NO responsibility for poisoning our eco or anything else for that matter!
Sgt Maj....Great post....waiting for you to come back,,as with me, I just can't seem to put anything together...Tomuch happening all at once ....cant put my mind around so many changes at once and still going.....I think as was mentioned before someone else is pulling the strings...Either that or he has one really oiled up machine....Of course the media won't cover anything the Republicans do or say.....only Fox News and Glen Beck was great tonight....stay well...
He must inject himself into everything because he is the Chosen One, the Messiah, here to save the US from our selfish post capitalistic ways.....great blog
Everytime he speaks... I need to look into buying stock in Tylenol. It is impossible to follow all that flowery rhetoric and loop the loops and make any sense.
You are right, he is conning people. I'm with Z... send up the SOS, we are all screwed!
Thank you for your service Soldier! Nice blog and good posts.
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